CERCLL is offering a free professional development webinar series with CE certificates. The event in October will be the second in a series of three webinars: Maximizing Learners’ Career Readiness in Language Programs. Educators can enroll in any combination of these events, and continuing education and digital badges are available. Complete information about the series is here:
https://cercll.arizona.edu/blog/careerreadinessfall23/ .
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL)
Web: http://cercll.arizona.edu
October 5 at 10 am:
Don’t Reinvent the Wheel: Integrating Career Readiness into Already-Existing 1st and 2nd Year Language Programs, presented by
Darcy Lear, Ph.D, University of Chicago.
November 29 at 10 am:
Shaping the Future of Education: Integrating World Languages for Specific Purposes (WLSP) in Language and Culture Programs, presented by
Diana Ruggiero, Ph.D, University of Memphis.
Questions? Contact us at: cercll@email.arizona.edu
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL)
University of ArizonaWeb: http://cercll.arizona.edu