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Previously published volumes

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Pathways to Paradigm Change: Critical Examinations of Prevailing Discourses and Ideologies in Second Language Education

Editors: Beatrice Dupuy (U Arizona), Kristen Michelson (Texas Tech U)

ISBN: 9780357437988

Calls for teaching language and culture as integrated and situated practices have recurred for over two decades. We understand situated practices as learning how to become an effective member of a community by gaining familiarity and some degree of control over its relevant social processes and practices, including processes of oral and written textual production and interpretation, with recognition of the social, cultural, and historical embeddedness of texts. However, whereas curricular responses to such appeals for change have been successful in specific, localized instructional contexts, large-scale paradigm change has not yet occurred, and traditional ideologies and practices continue to pervade the field of L2 education. Furthermore, methods course materials and practices continue to foreground historical perspectives and eclecticism, rather than guide future teachers in systematic, in-depth exploration of a single, principled approach that aligns with notions of language learning and use as situated communication practices. This volume focuses on the current discursive landscape around L2 teaching and learning with particular attention to describing prevailing ideologies as well as proposing ways of moving the dominant discursive needle forward. Our intention is to awaken the field to the urgency of reasserting the relevance of L2 education in individual learning endeavors and institutional practices. 


Understanding Vocabulary Learning and Teaching: Implications for Language Program Development 

Editors: Peter Ecke (U Arizona) Susanne Rott, U Illinois-Chicago

ISBN: 9780357106686 

Vocabulary acquisition is an indispensable part of second language acquisition and teaching. It is crucial to the development of overall language proficiency and subskills such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. This book presents theoretical frameworks and research findings to a broad audience that extends beyond researchers who work in the field of vocabulary acquisition. The nine chapters in the collection provide insights into vocabulary learning mechanisms and discuss how these are relevant for effective language learning and teaching, material and textbook design, and curriculum development. They are intended to spark reflection and discussion among researchers, language program directors, teachers, and graduate students and thereby contribute to the implementation of research-informed practices in curriculum design, material development, and the teaching and learning of second language vocabulary.


Engaging the World: Social Pedagogies and Language Learning

Editors: Sébastien Dubreuil (Carnegie Mellon U) and Steve Thorne (Portland State U)

ISBN-13: 978-1337554497

Under current geo-political conditions of social, environmental, and economic fragility and instability, the need for education to cultivate empathy, heighten attentiveness to the biosphere, and augment commitment to civic engagement imposes itself with urgency (Rifkin, 2012). As fundamentally social-relational phenomena, semiotic agility and critical language awareness serve as critical resources for ameliorating and transforming selves, communities, and societies. These points suggest that instructed language education would benefit from greater integration with a variety of real world contexts and communities. In response to this need, contributions to this volume propose approaches to pedagogically mediated second language learning that link classroom activities with relevant social practices occurring outside of instructional settings.

The Interconnected Language Curriculum: Critical Transitions and Interfaces in Articulated K-16 Contexts

Editors: Per Urlaub (U Texas-Austin) and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp (U Utah)
ISBN-13: 9781337276450

Many foreign language departments have developed innovative curricula with the goal of overcoming two-tiered structures that often separate language instruction at the lower levels from upper division content coursework. However, language departments rarely extend their articulation efforts to include pre-collegiate experiences even though recent educational reforms have significantly altered not only the skill sets, but also needs and expectations of students entering college. In addition to attending to vertical interfaces, successful language curricula integrate horizontally with academic and professional units outside the language department. This volume furthers the existing knowledge base on the collegiate foreign language curriculum by providing a K-20 perspective on the achievement of curricular coherence. It is intended for a broad audience, but in particular language program directors, to help them address the critical transitions that language learners face during their progression from public schools through undergraduate programs and into graduate education.


Beyond the Collegiate Foreign Language Department: Horizontal and Vertical Transitions for 21st Century Learners (Per Urlaub, University of Texas-Austin, and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp, University of Utah)


  • Internationalizing the Curriculum at Home: Transcultural Exploration in a French-German Course (Sébastien Dubreil & Maria Stehle)
  • The Shared Course Initiative: Curricular Collaborations Across Institutions (Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl & Stephane Charitos)
  • Connection-Making in Foreign Language Learning: Structured Reflection in a Collegiate German Program (Cori Crane)
  • High School Students’ Perceptions of Language Learning in a Spanish Immersion Program (Lucy Johnson)


  • Implications of the AP World Language Tenets for University Programs (Christina Frei, Glenn Levine, Heather Willis Allen, & Bridget Swanson)
  • A Proficiency-based Articulation Project between Postsecondary Institutions (Jane Hacking & Fernando Rubio)
  • The Roadmap to Mainstreaming Dual Language Immersion in Rhode Island (Sigrid Berka & Erin Papa)
  • Confronting Literacy in Chinese as a Foreign Language (Michael Everson)


Integrating the Arts: Creative Thinking about Foreign Language Curricula and Language Program Direction

Editors: Lisa Parkes (Harvard U) and Colleen M. Ryan (Indiana U)

ISBN-13:  9781305674806

Integrating the arts in foreign language curricula enables us to connect language to other semiotic spaces and cultural productions such as theater, the fine arts, art history, architecture, music, museum cultures, and literature. By embracing the notion of "texts" as socially, historically, and culturally situated practices, of which the written text is but one product, we can conjoin the basic literacy of reading and writing with a broader range of visual, aural, and spatial signifying acts. Understood in this way, the arts become a source and stimulus for not only textual analysis and communicative exchange, but also subjective response and emotional experience. In other words, by interacting with art--evaluating, interpreting, experiencing, embodying, and even producing it, in any one of its many forms--learners can understand culture as a process in which they are motivated to participate as subjects. This process can deepen the cognitive, social, aesthetic, and subjective dimensions of language learning. While many new instructors have interest or expertise in the use of one or more art forms, we cannot assume that they know how to incorporate the arts in their lesson plans. Our teacher training programs, therefore, have the potential to be transformative sites, where the concept of foreign language literacy and literacies takes shape through effectively varied pedagogical practices. This volume will not only provide a concrete vision for approaches to materials and learning goals, but also suggest directions for teacher training and long-term professional development for integrating the arts.


Innovation and Accountability in Language Program Evaluation

Editors: Nicole Mills (Harvard U) and John Norris (Georgetown U)
ISBN-13: 9781305275096

Despite rapid globalization within contemporary society and the seemingly obvious need for the study of foreign languages (FL) and cultures, recruitment to undergraduate FL degrees has dwindled, graduate programs have disappeared, and institutions have restructured independent language departments into mega-departments of languages, literatures, and cultures. At the same time, the FL and humanities disciplines have engaged in “soul-searching” exercises in an effort to understand and express a renewed sense of value for the study of foreign language and culture. As a result of these kinds of societal and disciplinary movements, FL programs, along with other educational sectors, are facing the increased need to engage with peripheral forces like accountability and accreditation, to express and ensure their value through outcomes assessment, and to begin to think, innovate, and behave programmatically. Key to enacting these changes systematically and effectively is heightened awareness of the importance of program evaluation, not only as a means to demonstrate how and why FL study is a valuable pursuit in today’s world, but also as a process through which sound improvements can be made, participants can learn, and educational relevance can be sought.


Individual Differences, L2 Development, and Language Program Administration: From Theory to Application

Editors: Cristina Sanz (Georgetown U) and Beatriz Lado (Lehman College, CUNY)

ISBN-13: 9781285760582

The democratization of schooling and greater access to higher education, together with the implementation of language requirements in colleges and universities across the United States, has led to a higher degree of diversity in language classrooms. One usually thinks of gender, ethnic, racial, or social diversity, but individual differences, including learning disabilities and special needs, also contribute to diversity and have an impact on assessment, placement, and curriculum. In their role as administrators and teacher educators, Language Program Directors (LPDs) seek to integrate current practices and research in applied linguistics into program design and administration, including assessment. To make individual differences a theoretically grounded integral component of their decision-making processes, LPDs need resources that provide cutting-edge primary and secondary research on the conceptualization, measurement, and consequences of individual differences on language development in the classroom. This volume provides LPDs with the means to transmit information to their instructors in effective ways so that the instructors develop a sophisticated understanding of individual differences, including learning disabilities, special needs, and strategies for dealing with diverse student populations. In addition, this volume creates a forum for reflections about and solutions to challenges related to diversity as it relates to individual differences.


Hybrid Language Teaching and Learning: Exploring Theoretical, Pedagogical and Curricular Issues

Editors: Fernando Rubio (U Utah) and Joshua J. Thoms (Utah State University)

ISBN-13: 978-1285174679

Hybrid language teaching and learning, also referred to as blended learning, has become an increasingly popular model for the delivery of foreign language (FL) courses at the college level in the United States. HYBRID LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING: EXPLORING THEORETICAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND CURRICULAR ISSUES addresses a number of theoretical and applied topics related to hybrid/blended contexts. The volume is useful for readers unfamiliar with hybrid approaches, as several chapters highlight practical concerns and contain suggestions from authors who have experience implementing and maintaining college-level hybrid FL courses. In addition, the volume serves to disseminate empirical work that focuses on the linguistic outcomes of learners in hybrid FL learning contexts. Finally, the issue of open educational resources/open access is discussed in the context of hybrid FL courses.


Educating the Future Foreign Language Professorate for the 21st Century

Editors: Heather Willis Allen (U Wisconsin-Madison) and Hiram Maxim (Emory U)
ISBN-13: 978-1133312789

Emphasizing the importance of educating the future professoriate for the foreign language profession, this volume presents pedagogical and theoretical frameworks for graduate student development that respond to the changing landscape in the field. Specifically, the volume advances professional development models and practices that take into account the longitudinal nature of teacher education. In doing so, it questions existing educational paradigms that have not prepared graduate students adequately to address the challenges of becoming successful teacher-scholars. The volume provides the reader with specific examples from the field that explore the implications of the latest research on language use, literacy, instructional technology, and curriculum design for graduate student teacher development and gives concrete suggestions for implementing a sustainable and coherent approach to teacher education that addresses the complex components of foreign language study in higher education.


Critical and Intercultural Theory and Language Pedagogy

Editors: Glenn S. Levine (U California, Irvine) and Alison Phipps (U Glasgow)
ISBN-13: 9780495800071

Critical theory, intercultural theory, critical pedagogy, and complexity theory: all of these and others have yet to penetrate the shell of foreign-language pedagogy in a systematic way. The field remains concerned primarily--and understandably--with the instrumental demands of facilitating the skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. It is often argued that practice is theory-light and theory is practice-light. Consequently, it has proven notoriously difficult to bridge the theory-practice gap. AAUSC 2010 Volume provides a frank and provocative treatment of theory in language teaching and learning, arguing for alternative understanding that may overcome the conflicts between theory and practice. Fostering sophisticated translingual and transcultural competences, linking the work of the language classroom with the profound mission and goals of the humanities, and helping university-level language education contribute to the fostering of compassion and even the transformation of global conflict are now part of the language pedagogy pursuit. To move the language profession in this long-overdue direction, the contributions to this volume provide insightful analyses of foreign-language curriculum, teaching, and learning in a postmodern world and the ways that a range of theoretical frameworks can or already do contribute to our thinking about these issues. The volume gives the reader unfamiliar with theory a thumbnail introduction to a range of models and frameworks, offers numerous practical steps for curriculum design and classroom practice derived from theoretical principles, and also provides fuel for crucial transformative discussions and debates in language departments.


Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education

Editor: Virginia M. Scott (Vanderbilt University)
ISBN-13: 9781428262881

Graduate students preparing for college-level teaching often encounter only superficial mention of the Standards of Foreign Language Learning in their methods courses and supervised teaching. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF THE STANDARDS focuses on the theoretical underpinnings and application of the Standards at the college level, particularly among language program coordinators, language and literature teachers, and graduate teaching assistants.

PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF THE STANDARDS, along with previous volumes, strives to further the AAUSC goalsundefinedimproving second language instruction by developing language training programs, promoting research in second language acquisition, and establishing a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, and materials among language programs.


Conceptions of L2 Grammar: Theoretical Approaches and their Application in the L2 Classroom

Editors: Stacey Katz and Johanna Watzinger-Tharp (University of Utah)
ISBN 13: 9781428231498

The volume focuses on theoretical approaches to grammar and how they relate to the teaching and learning of grammar and to language program development. Practice includes, but is not limited to, articulation, assessment, classroom culture, curriculum and materials development, and teacher education. In keeping with the mission of AAUSC, it is our goal to present a wide variety of languages and perspectives, and a broad range of scholars and practitioners.


From Thought to Action: Exploring Beliefs and Outcomes in the Foreign Language Program

Editor: H. Jay Siskin (Cabrillo College)
ISBN 13: 9781428230118

This volume contains thirteen authoritative articles that offer multiple strategies for eliciting and articulating beliefs and expectations from both professors and students in foreign language instruction. The original articles examine the topic from five perspectives: Historical Perspectives, Curriculum Development, Student Beliefs and Learning, Beliefs and TA Training, and Administration and Assessment. This volume sheds light on differing perspectives of the methods, contents and goals in the foreign language classroom in the hopes that it will diminish the discordance between teacher and student expectations, thus eliminating a source of common frustration in the class experience.


Insights from Study Abroad for Language Programs

Editor: Sharon Wilkinson (Arizona State University)

ISBN-13: 9781428205116


Internet-mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Education

Editors: Julie A. Belz and Steven L. Thorne (The Pennsylvania State University)
ISBN 13: 9781413029925

This volume explores the "intercultural perspective" on foreign language education. From this viewpoint, the focus of language learning is redefined in terms of intercultural rather than communicative competence. Internet-mediation is a praxiological reflex of this conceptual shift in that it affords the embedding of foreign language learning and instruction in the sociocultural and sociopolitical contexts of language use and development in the form of classroom-based intercultural collaborations between internationally dispersed representatives of the languacultures under study. The contributions to the volume examine the pedagogy, processes, and outcomes of NS-NNS Internet-mediated language and culture learning partnerships in French, German, Spanish, EFL, and Russian from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, including model learning, reflective practice, learner corpus analysis, cultural studies, ethnography, interactionism, and critical theory.


Language Program Articulation: Developing a Theoretical Foundation

Editors: Catherine Barrette and Kate Paesani (Wayne State University)
ISBN 13: 9781413003802

Language program articulation, i.e., how the skills level (1st and 2nd year courses) integrate with the content level (3rd and 4th year) is a metric used to evaluate the strength of a language department. Goals of successful articulation are both to provide a smooth transition between levels, and, by so doing, to encourage retention up the curriculum.

Advanced Foreign-Language Instruction

Editors: Heidi Byrnes and Hiram Maxim (Georgetown University)
ISBN-13: 978-1413000405

Richard Kern: Literacy and advanced foreign language learning: Rethinking the curriculum; Janet Swaffar: A template for advanced learner tasks: Staging genre reading and cultural literacy through the précis; Heidi Byrnes and Katherine A. Sprang: Fostering advanced L2 literacy: A genre-based, cognitive approach.
Dan Villa: Heritage language speakers and upper division language instruction: Findings from a Spanish linguistics program; Olga Kagan and Kathleen Dillon: Heritage speakers' potential for high level language proficiency.
Casilde Isabelli: Study abroad for advanced foreign language majors: Optimal duration for developing complex structures; Astrid Weigert: What's Business got to do with it?: The Unexplored Potential of Business Language Courses for Advanced Foreign Language Learning; Cori Crane, Olga Liamkina, and Marianna Ryshina-Pankova: Fostering advanced level language abilities in foreign language graduate programs: Applications of genre theory.
Postscript: Hiram H. Maxim: Expanding visions for collegiate advanced foreign language learning


The Sociolinguistics of Foreign Language Classrooms: Contributions of the Native, the Near-native and the Non-native Speaker

Editor: Carl S. Blyth (University of Texas-Austin)
ISBN 13: 9780838405116


SLA and the Literature Classroom: Fostering Dialogues

Editors: Virginia M. Scott and Holly Tucker (Vanderbilt University)
ISBN-13: 9780838424667


Mentoring Foreign Language TA's, Lecturers, and Adjunct Faculty

Editor: Benjamin Rifkin (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
ISBN-13: 9780838416860


Form and Meaning - Multiple Perspectives

Editors: James F. Lee and Albert Valdman (Indiana University)
ISBN-13: 9780838408469


Research Issues and Language Program Direction

Edited by Kathy Heilenmen (University of Iowa)
ISBN-13: 9780838410233

New Ways of Learning and Teaching: Focus on Technology and Foreign Language Education

Editor: Judith Muyskens (Appalachian College Association)
ISBN-13: 9780838478097


Patterns & Policies: The Changing Demographics of Foreign Language Instruction

Editor: Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro

Redefining the Boundaries of Language Study

Editor: Claire Kramsch

Faces in a Crowd: The Individual Learner in Multisection Courses

Editor:  Carol Klee


The Dynamics of Language Program Direction

Editor:  David P. Benseler

Development and Supervision of Teaching Assistants in Foreign Languages

Editor:  Joel C. Walz

Assessing Foreign Language Proficiency of Undergraduates

Editor:  Richard B. Teschner

Challenges in the 1990s for College Foreign Language Programs

Editor:  Sally Sieloff Magnan

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