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Advocacy Topics

World languages and computer coding

Several states have proposed changes to their high school graduation and university admissions requirements that would allow students to count technical or trade courses (e.g. computer programming) towards second/world language requirements. ACTFL has published position papers on the topic: 

AAUSC maintains a page of resources on the topic as well (to come).

Class Size and Enrollment Caps

Class size has become one of the most debated topics in education, at all levels K-16. This page aims to provide up-to-date information to help LPDs articulate their program goals and advocate for improvements in L2 instruction at their institutions.

ADFL Policy Statement on Class Size
ACTFL Position Statement on Maximum Class Size

Selected bibliography of research on class size (under construction)

AAUSC member reports on class size at institutions around the U.S.

View the results of a member survey on class size (Google spreadsheet)
Add your institutional information to the survey

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